和 AT 的老師們一起合作達成目標 !|Work with your best teacher and achieve the goal together!

# English version included

Esther 是我在 Amazing Talker 上【第一位】接觸到的老師,也是我後來決定要長期一起上課的老師。


🌞 挑選老師

我在剛開始使用 Amazing Talker 時,因為不了解自己究竟偏好甚麼樣的學習方式,所以嘗試了大概 10 位老師的試教課。
有的老師會準備 PPT,還搭配精美的圖片,同時陪你練習造句。

在我嘗試了不同的老師後,我發現自己最喜歡的還是 Esther 的教學方式:
Esther 每次上課都會跟我討論不同的主題,從打疫苗、德國的巧克力、到申請德國學校的考量等;最重要的是,Esther 每次都會利用 Jamboard 修改我講錯的句子,並把整堂課的筆記傳給我,讓我知道自己說錯的地方究竟該如何修改才對。

🌝 與老師合作

由於 Amazing Talker 真的是一個充滿許多優質老師的平台,如果你對於【自己想要學習的方式】沒有任何想法的話...

⚠ 我建議你先想一下 XD

舉例來說,有時候我會自己針對某個主題先做筆記,查一些等等上課可能會說到的單字;有時候我會先自己寫德語檢定的題目,並把它分享給 Esther,利用上課時間檢討自己不會的地方。


📖 課堂後就...休息?不!!!

對我來說,由於我在 Amazing Talker 上最想加強的部分就是德語口說,所以我會利用課後時間重新複習 Esther 為我準備的筆記,並且【自言自語】!

舉例來說,我可能看到某一句話是:Mein Schwester hatte vor zwei Tage sein Geburtstag.
意思是:兩天前是我妹妹的生日。這個時候我可能會問自己,Was ist passiert (發生了甚麼事?)

最後是要感謝 Esther 這段時間給予我的幫助!
Esther 真的非常有耐心,在我講錯的時候給了我很多修正的建議,儘管我常常一堆句子結構有問題,她還是會在最後告訴我:Sehr gut(非常棒!)

我在 Amazing Talker 上建立起自己說德文的信心,也希望透過這篇分享文,把自己的學習方式分享給更多人,讓大家一起在 Amazing Talker 上快樂學習!


Esther is the first teacher I got to know on Amazing Talker, and she is also the one I decided to work on German knowledge together.

This article would be divided into three parts:
How to choose a tacher (on Amazing Talker)
How to cooperate with your teacher
How to keep improving your learning after class

🌞 Choose your partner

When I started learning German on Amazing Talker, I was not sure which kind of learning measure I would prefer. Therefore, I tried around TEN trial courses just to figure out it.

Some teachers prepared PowerPoint with beautiful pictures, and they practised with me on making a sentence.
Some teachers used the German test book and taught me different grammars.

After all these experiences, I found out that Esther's teaching is my favourite:
We discussed different topics in class, from vaccination, German chocolates to my concern about the applications to German Universities.

Here is something I want to highlight: every time when I spoke something wrong, Esther would correct that on Jamboard and sent the class note to me after class. This way helps me understand my problem and the note gives me more opportunities to practice on my own.

🌝 Cooperate with your teacher

Then let's move to next part.
Because there are tons of excellent teachers on Amazing Talker, I highly recommend that you know "what you do want to learn" and "how yo want to learn". If you have no idea right now, ...

⚠ Please think about it !!

For example, I would prepare notes and look up dictionaries to learn words that I would use in class but had no idea how to say that word in German before the class. Sometimes I would send my writing work to Esther and checked that out in our class.

In my opinion, the best way to learn is, you know what is your weakness in advance, and let you teacher know this is the part you want to improve. Thus, you could make use of each moment of the class.

📖 After class, let's take a rest 🥱 ...... NO !!!!

The reason why I started using Amazing Talker is because I want to improve my German speaking skill. For this purpose, I review the note which Esther prepared for me after class, and used it to talk to myself.

For example, I would ask myself "Was ist passiert?", which means "what happened", after I read the sentence, "Mein Schwester hatte vor zwei Tage sein Geburtstag.", which means "My sister's birthday was two days ago."

Through this way, I could maximize the value of my note!

I want to thank Esther again for all her assistance on my German learning!
Esther is such a patient teacher. She helped correct my speaking and encouraged me every time even though my German sentence is quite strange and broken XD

I have built the confidence of speaking German on Amazing Talker, and I want to share my way of learning with more people! Hope that everybody could learn happily here and achieve your goal !

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