Learning Thai for Work

I have been learning Thai for work purposes and of course, picking the right teacher was extremely important for me. I decided to try out my first trial lesson with Khun Prae and I enjoyed it. So, I signed up with Khun Prae immediately for 10 classes.

It started off with me feeling a bit awkward in class because I dont speak any Thai at all but she teaches her class with a pleasant smile and I will be given a note to revise and keep practicing after each class.

Call it the law of attraction or just coincidence, but for some reason, I started receiving inquiries from past associates in Thailand who require my assistance here in Malaysia. I spoke some Thai during the meeting and stumbled on some words but the team very quickly felt more comfortable with me as they felt I understand them when they speak and at least, I am trying.

I am only 6 lessons in with Prae at this moment and if this is what 6 lessons can do for me and benefit my company expansion to Thailand. I am forever grateful to my smiley teacher, Khun Prae. Thank you! No words or money can replace the sacrifice and patience a teacher makes for their students.

Les professeurs

Enseigner à écouter, parler, lire et écrire la langue thaï
17 €
/ 50 min
4 €
/ Cours d'essai
anglaisC1 Avancé
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Enseigner à écouter, parler, lire et écrire la langue thaï
anglaisC1 Avancé
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Diplômé directement du Département de langue thaï Les cours sont conviviaux et enseignent en fonction des besoins des apprenants💜 Enseigner aux étudiants de tous niveaux, de débutant à avancé, dans toutes les compétences (écouter, parler, lire, écrire). Les leçons du cours sont ajustées pour répondre au mieux aux intérêts des apprenants. Aidez les élèves à s'amuser Soyez confiant et communiquez en thaï comme un locuteur natif ✨
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