
1.5 個月高分通過德福完全有可能
在我漫長的 慕尼黑工業大學申請之旅中,Testdaf是一個不可或缺的申請材料之一。今年八月份考到理想的 b2成績之後,我便馬不停蹄地開啟了一系列申請材料的準備,包括研究申請學校、訪談校友、寫申請文章,當然還有考德福,以上這些通通都必須在三個月內完成。三個月聽起來綽綽有餘,但雪上加霜的是,我是個苦命的上班族,所以扣掉上班以及準備其他申請材料的時間,一天最多只能留2個小時來準備德福。在完全沒有備考德福經驗的情況下,我相當清楚必須要有技巧地來應對這個考試。

思考過後,我選擇了線上課程,因為這是最不受地域與時間限制的上課方式。當初也忘記是什麼原因找到了 Amazing Talker 了,不過當我瀏覽這個網站時,深深覺得這個網站的用戶介面以及用戶體驗也太棒了!身為一個數位產品經理,網站設計是我的專長之一,看來 Amazing Talker 的確下了很多功夫。

網站上有許多老師都會放上個人介紹影片,記得第一眼看到 Alan的介紹影片就被他帥氣的外表,以及迷人慕尼黑口音給吸引。當下我的直覺告訴我,這位應該就是我要找的德福老師了。二話不說,立馬預約了 Alan老師的第一節課,並且證實了我的直覺是準確的。

Alan教學經驗豐富,完全知道德福考試該如何準備,精確押中多個考試題目,比如說口語Aufgabe3,6Zhang Alan:


雖然在職準備 Testdaf的過程一點都不輕鬆,而且相當累人,每一天我和Alan相處的時間就是最低2個小時,最高4個小時。他說再努力一把不給人生留遺憾,我就又有了前進的動力。每個月都有幾天學不進去想要放棄的時候,這時候他會用愉快的教學方式及時調整讓我上完課感覺就不累了。我很慶幸當初在 Amazing Talker 上遇到 Alan老師,讓準備德福的過程更加愉快且順利許多。
It is possible to pass Testdaf in 1.5 months
During my long application journey to the Technical University of Munich, Testdaf is one of the indispensable application materials. After I got my ideal B2 score in August this year, I started to prepare a series of application materials non-stop, including researching the application school, interviewing alumni, writing application essays, and of course, TestDaF. Complete within months. Three months sounds more than enough, but to make matters worse, I am a hard-working office worker, so I deduct the time to go to work and prepare other application materials, and I can only leave up to 2 hours a day to prepare for Telford. In the absence of any test preparation experience, I am quite aware of the need to deal with this test skillfully.

After thinking about it, I chose the online course because it is the most free way to teach in terms of location and time. I also forgot why I found Amazing Talker, but when I browsed this website, I deeply feel that the user interface and user experience of this website are also great! As a digital product manager, website design is one of my specialties. It seems that Amazing Talker has done a lot of work.

Many teachers will put personal introduction videos on the website. Remember that the first time I saw Alan's introduction videos, he was attracted by his handsome appearance and charming Munich accent. At the moment, my instinct told me that this should be the Telford teacher I was looking for. Apart from anything else, I immediately booked teacher Alan's first class and confirmed that my intuition was accurate.

Alan has rich teaching experience and fully understands how to prepare for the TestDaF exam, and accurately places multiple test questions, such as oral Aufgabe3,6. He can adjust the courses and teaching methods according to the situation of the students. At the beginning of each class, we will briefly chat and share each other's lives. After the class is over, he will also arrange homework, and carefully correct and provide suggestions before his available time. I admire this very much because Alan’s benefits for test-preparation students have no income because of corrections in spare time! It is very helpful to prepare for Telford independently after the course.

In mid-December, I successfully achieved Telford grades 4, 4, 5, and 5, and this grade has reached the school standard. The Munich school has sent me an email to inform me that I am ready to enroll. The admission notice from the school is on the way.

Although the process of preparing for Testdaf on the job is not easy at all, and quite tiring, the minimum time I spend with Alan every day is 2 hours and the maximum is 4 hours. He said that no matter how hard I try to leave no regrets in my life, I will have the motivation to move forward again. There are a few days every month when I can’t go to study and want to give up. At this time, he will use a pleasant teaching method to make timely adjustments so that I don’t feel tired after class. I am very fortunate that I met Mrs. Alan on Amazing Talker, which made the process of preparing for Telford much more enjoyable and smoother.

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